Daily Routine In Action
Greeting/Message Board (10 minutes)
Children start their day and are greeted by teachers/classmates; message board is used to alert students of changes in the daily routine, introduce new items in interest areas, and to wish their absent friends well.
Planning time (10-15 minutes)
Children have the opportunity to plan, or choose, what they will do during work time. Children may share their plan verbally, draw pictures, use objects, and more! This may be done individually, in a small group, or even pairs.
Work time (45-60 minutes)
Children freely choose to implement their plans. They interact with peers in the context of play manipulating many materials in a variety of interest areas, which include book, toy, house, science, reading, writing/computer, block, and art areas.
Clean up time (10 minutes)
Immediately following work time, children clean to the best of their ability, along with the help of adults.
Recall time (10-15 minutes)
Children recall plans they implemented or changed during work time. This completes the "plan-do-review" cycle, which is preschool goal-setting. It also encourages conversation and language development. "This process strengthens the child's executive function - their ability to regulate and organize themselves so they can stay focused on what they have chosen to do and solve problems that arise."
Small-group time (15-20 minutes)
Teachers present materials to students with a Key Developmental Indicator (i.e. sequencing, phonological awareness, concepts of print, etc.) in mind for skill development. High Scope has 58 KDIs and this is what teachers use to help focus their instruction.
Large-group time (10-15 minutes)
Teachers and students interact together. Music and movement are often seen here.
Outside time (30 minutes)
Children go outside everyday. As an alternative, children will go to the gym if the temperature and wind chill are dangerous as set forth by the National Weather Service. This is a time where children have free play, learn cooperative games, and strengthen gross motor muscles/skills.
Transition times (including arrival and departure)
These times are imperative for children. Children anticipate and need consistency in their daily routine. If at all possible, the same person who drops off should pick up and around the same time daily. If you are unable to do so, establish a routine before you leave the house to help them feel safe and secure.
Eating and rest times
Both are important to your child's day. Nutritious meals and getting proper rest helps is essential to brain development. Meals are served family style and encourage independence, the development of self-help skills, as well as language. There are lots of variables that may prohibit a child from having a healthy appetite or sleep patterns. However, we encourage children to taste and at least attempt to rest. If a child is not sleepy, he or she is offered a quiet time activity like reading or puzzles.
We have included some pictures to illustrate the daily routine. "Cookie cutter" projects made by an adult is not reflective of our High Scope Curriculum. High Scope supports active learning, critical thinking, exploration, language building, creativity, and developing social skills through play, which is the natural way in which young children learn.
For more information, visit: https://highscope.org/