First Fives Curriculum

The First 5s program uses an alternate curriculum that aligns with Kindergarten standards. This allows students who will attend Kindergarten the following year to have an opportunity to experience a different curriculum, but focused on the same outcomes.  Pre-reading, writing, speaking and listening skills are emphasized as are mathematics skills.  In addition, students study science and social studies.  Reading and mathematics instruction are taught during the morning session.  The afternoon session focuses on science and social studies as well as additional English language arts and mathematics instruction.  In addition to core content, the program’s focus is on social, emotional, and large and small muscle development.

Concepts are presented in a developmentally appropriate manner.  Students use objects, or manipulatives, to experience abstract concepts.  Experiential learning is the instructional model employed in the First 5s program.  Once mastery is demonstrated, students move to the next level of cognitive development; demonstrating knowledge through the use of pictures or images.  Some students may demonstrate mastery of aspects of the kindergarten curriculum; however students are expected to exit the First 5s program ready to enter kindergarten.

All Ferndale Schools elementary programs, including the First 5s program, provide instruction in art, vocal music and physical education.  Students attending the full-day program participate in one art class along with two vocal music and two physical education classes each week.  Students enrolled in the half-day program participate in some of the above classes; scheduling will determine the classes as well as the number of sessions half-day students participate in each week.

What Your Child Will Learn


  • Identify shapes (2D & 3D)

  • Identify position of objects (beside, next to, above)

  • Count to 50 by 1’s

  • Recognize and write numbers 1-10

  • Demonstrate 1:1 correspondence

  • Identify and create patterns

  • Experiment with measurement

  • Sort by attributes

  • Understand More/Less Concepts

Motor Skills

  • Strengthen hand muscles through cutting, coloring, drawing, and painting

  • Develop hand-eye coordination

  • Print first name with a capital letter at the beginning, followed by lower case letter(s)

  • Show control in jumping, hopping, catching, running, and balancing.

  • Grip writing utensils correctly

Literacy Skills

  • Express ideas and feelings

  • Share and listen for information

  • Answer questions about stories

  • Hear Rhymes

  • Identify uppercase and lowercase letters

  • Identify letter sounds

  • Recognize first name in print

  • Express self in dramatic play

  • Show interest in writing

  • Write using pictures and symbols

  • Develop vocabulary

  • Develop concepts of print