
Dress Code

Cell Phone Policy

Human Dignity Policy

The Board of Education, recognizing that we are a multiracial, multiethnic school district, believes it is a part of our mission to provide a positive, harmonious environment in which respect for the diverse make up of our school community is promoted. A major aim of education in the Ferndale School District is the development of a reasoned commitment to the core values of a democratic society. In accordance with this aim, the school district will not tolerate behavior by students or staff that insults, degrades, or stereotypes any race, gender, handicap, physical condition, sexual orientation, marital status, ethnic group or religion. Prohibited activities include, but are not limited to:

  • Spoken or written racial or ethnic slurs.

  • Racial, ethnic or religious intimidation.

  • Authorship, publication, and circulation of other unauthorized material.

  • Possession or distribution of pornographic or obscene material.

  • Hazing or initiations.

5331, Students with Special Health Care Needs

Accommodating Students with Special Dietary Needs