Professional Development
Updated June 2021
ILT (Instructional Lead Teacher) related PD topics:
Equity Lens in Education
Building Leadership Capacity w/Equity in Mind
Data Analysis for Equity
Courageous Conversations about Race
Anti-Racism and Educators
Diversity and Inclusion in Curriculum
DPPD (District-Provided Professional Development) related PD topics:
Equitable Grading & Feedback to Increase Engagement (Secondary Focus)
The Power of Protocols for Equity
Trauma-Informed Principles and ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences)
Student Voice in the Classroom
Funds of Knowledge: How can we incorporate the knowledge our families have?
How to Be an Antiracist Educator
How Does Personal Cultural Competence Affect the Classroom?
Equity Literature Circles
Equity in Education Speaker Panel w/Q&A
Diverse Reading Selections- High Interest Books & Current Events
Restorative Practices for Teachers
Co-Creating Virtual Class Norms and Expectations
Principal Professional Development related Professional Development (PD) topics:
Discipline and equity
Personal edits and what it means for student engagement
Enrollment analysis
MDE’s (Michigan Department of Education) Family Engagement Framework
Assessing bias