Social Emotional Learning

Ferndale Schools, like our communities, are diverse. When we interview alumni, the most frequently cited aspect of their education that helped them succeed is the range of human experience and perspective among their peers. Our students are multicultural and multilingual, coming from diverse social and economic backgrounds. This is increasingly representative of the real world. Serving this diverse student body means adapting our educational model to a spectrum of students with different ways of engaging in learning, different levels of academic performance, and different motivations for behaving positively. One of the most useful tools we have developed for overcoming these challenges is our Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) framework. SEL provides a foundation for safe and positive learning, and enhances every student’s ability to succeed in school, in a career, and in life.

Educating the Whole Child

SEL is rooted in our “whole child” philosophy. What does it mean to educate the whole child? It starts with recognition that learning is about more than reading, writing, and arithmetic. Ferndale Schools teachers and administrators are dedicated to educating and nurturing the entire child so each student grows into a purposeful, lifelong learner. Our talented educators have developed a guiding framework that is integrated into the classroom every day which teaches social and emotional development skills, and the benefits are clear: academic achievement increases, students feel more confident, and teachers have more time to teach.

Leading the Country

Ferndale Schools has been at the forefront of the SEL movement for years and has been recognized by both the State of Michigan and national organizations for its SEL curriculum. The American Institute of Research has also visited Ferndale to learn about our approach as it supports districts throughout the country in their own efforts to match our success. Many of our neighboring school districts have also requested training from our staff in the Ferndale SEL curriculum. This interest is a testament to the incredible work done by our staff in their continued focus on educating the whole child.

SEL Basics

Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitutudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy towards others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions. (Casel, 2017)

SEL is not a program or method, but rather coordinating framework embedded into schoolwide practices and policies. Understanding the impact that social emotional learning has on the adult, child and environment - it is a driver to provide a safe welcoming environment for everyone.

Our social and emotional learning plan focuses on five core competencies that support everyone to be able to navigate their daily life with both their heart and mind: 

  1. Self awareness

  2. self management

  3. social awareness

  4. relationship skills

  5. responsible decision making

As children go through Ferndale Schools they will continue to gain a clear understanding of the specific competencies that will support them now and in the future.

The emotional brain responds to an event more quickly than the thinking brain, so the goal is to be able to recognize, understand and regulate that emotional response first so your thinking brain can engage and control your response.


What is Taught

From Module 1

Teachers teach children skills and techniques for maintaining/restoring composure, identifying emotions, keeping a positive mindset, and performing rituals, and being assertive.

From Module 2

Students will learn how their emotions actually change the way their brain works in the moment. They will learn to restore executive function through safety and connection.

From Module 3

By developing a growth mindset, students learn not to be discouraged by struggle or feel powerless. Instead, they will recognize it as a chance to grow their intelligence and expand their skill set.

From Module 4

Students will will practice organization, planning and impulse control, and develop working memory and flexible thinking.

From Module 5

Learning Mindfulness skills empower students to bringing one's attention to the internal and external experiences occurring in the present moment. This “presence” leads to less reactivity, less stress, less anxiety throughout life.

From Module 6

Students are encouraged to develop their individuality guided by their own character and values of kindness, empathy and respect.

How It Is Taught

SEL is embedded into the daily structure in many different ways. At the K-5 level, students participate in a daily 'Morning Meeting' where students learn specific skills through teacher read alouds, videos, music and other sensory based activities. At the secondary level, Grades 6 - 12 students participate in a daily class titled Impact Hour at FMS/FHS and College Prep Course at UHS. During this designated class, students learn and have open dialogue about specific soft skills. Impact Hour is also a mentoring type classroom where students have the same Impact Hour teacher throughout the years so they have a mentor who can continue to check in and support each student.

In addition to the specific daily structures, it's important to note that SEL is embedded into the culture, climate and structures in each school. From the daily announcements to district character quotes shared, a wide range of  specific activities are integrated to support student success.
